Monday, December 3, 2012


Hey, I'm back!! Feels good to be on my blog again and checking out all the other blogging I've been missing out on! I miss blogging everyday.....I just don't have the time when school is in session! It has been a crazy year!!! I just don't know how you find the time when you're working! Even at this very minute....I'm neglecting or should I say avoiding my report cards I should be working on that go home Wednesday!! I must admit though....I have still been sneaking around many of your blogs....getting ideas and pulling freebies from here and there when I can! I'm not super crafty as many of you, but I was super excited about finally making my pompom dry erase markers today..........see what I mean.....saw this idea on Pinterest over the summer and am just now getting around to making them. It's nothing fancy, and I'm so out of the loop that many of you probably have already seen these.....and probably made them too!!

Anyway, I know....I know that this is Monday Made It Christmas Edition and that I am supposed to be posting a CHRISTMAS MADE IT. But, the first thing I thought after I made these tonight was, "HEY, IT's MONDAY"  and how I could get on my blog and link up with 4th Grade Frolics Monday Made It for the first time since August. I was so excited....then, I got to Tara's blog only to find that it was for Christmas needless to say, I'm posting it don't rain on my parade and spoil my excitement, lol. Here you go!! And hey, btw, they are done in Christmas colors if that counts! 

My Monday Made It!!
Pompoms glued into the lids of my students' dry erase markers to use as their eraser!!! My students are going to love these! Just made them tonight in about 5 minutes, if that! So easy & cheap, yet so valuable in the classroom!!

'Tis the season to be crafty....even for those of us that aren't usually so crafty! So keep checking back because I do have a few Christmas projects I'm working on that you may like!

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  1. Those are cute! Thanks Traci for linking! It doesn't have to be Christmas themed:) I am so glad you did link:))) I need to do those markers but my kiddos go through soooooo many dry erase Don't know what the prob is...last year it was pencils, this year dry erase markers:/ Thanks again for linking:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. I love that idea! We use dry erase markers all the time. Very cute!
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  3. This is such a great idea. We are always losing erasers too, so this would help! New follower! Would love it if you checked out my blog to see if you would be interested in following me too! Brie @ Breezy Special Ed

    1. Thanks for following Breezy!!! I'm your newest follower!

      The Bender Bunch

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