Today, I had my goal setting meeting with my principal as we are going to "Performance Based Teacher Evaluations" this year! Whew! So if your students don't show growth, you could be out of a job. I think this has many advantages as I do know a few teachers out there that shouldn't be teaching, however, it has its downsides as well. It will also be interesting to see how this is going to look in my classroom since I teach special needs students of multiple disabilities in grades 1 - 5 and all of them but three take the alternate assessment. My classroom curriculum is mainly focused on teaching behaviors and life skills, and secondly academics. It will be interesting to say the least!! I'm sure you'll be seeing more posts on this topic as the pieces unravel.
Now for the fun stuff, this is what we've been doing the last couple of weeks!
Last week we did an apple study! We had loads of fun!
We taste tested green, red, and yellow apples!
Everyone agreed, but two students that the red apples were their favorite!! |
Then, we did "Apple Sink or Float......."
Along with many other objects that the kids starting sneaking in. It was so much fun watching their amazed little faces though at what would sink, and what would float!
And to think that this is the first year I have integrated Science into their curriculum. What was I thinking! Look what they've been missing out on!!
Then, we made apple prints!!
This student didn't follow the directions! She's my EH student. I have a long way to go with this one!
And the best was saved for last! Homemade Applesauce! Yum!
Even the kids that said they didn't like applesauce loved this applesauce! There's no way you couldn't! It was awesome!
My friends that are here visiting from Alaska make homemade nectar and had brought me homemade cinnamon nectar the night before. We added a touch of this and I think that is what really made it!! You could smell it 3-4 rooms down from mine!
This week we began our weather unit!
I wish I'd have taken more photos, but I just get so busy. My students are all so needy and as I mentioned, I am short an aide.
Here we are doing our tornadoes in a bottle!
As you can see, my kids were once again engaged and amazed!
The results were awesome!
Yesterday we went cloud watching and I forgot my camera! But we got to see cirrus, stratus, and cumulous clouds!
Today they made these! We used equal parts shaving cream and glue and they turned out fabulous! They're like 3-D and feel puffy. I hung them up before I left today but forgot to take a photo! Here are three of them!
Afterwards, we used bingo daubers to make cloud pictures!!
Here you can see the student on the left made a cloud with raindrops and I just love the creativity of the lightening bolt on the right!
It's amazing how much fun you can have with simple bingo daubers! I actually purchased these at JoAnn's and they are all fruit scented, so that adds an extra treat that the kids love!
And here's some random photos of my awesome clan just having fun!!!!
All of these science projects were taken or adapted from these two units by Kristen Smith and can be purchased in her TpT store!
Hope you're all having a rocking year!!!!

I LOVE your apple activities. SO cute! Thanks for sharing :)
The Techie Teacher
What a cool collection of hands on projects.