Monday, April 7, 2014

Three Easter Freebies, More/Less

I'm on a roll.....must be the SPRING FEVER!! Four more days and I'll be on spring break! All of sudden, my minds rolling and I've created three Easter freebies for you, plus finished my more/less flashcards that have been on my to-do list!! I think just the thought of a soon to come vacation has transformed me. 

Since I'll be on spring break next week, we are doing our Easter activities this week! I just LOVE the centers and activities that you can do with simple plastic Easter eggs! Here are some of the activities I'm doing this week. 

I teach multiple levels, so I'm doing beginning sounds, counting, and number order with my younger students, rhyming and basic addition with my middle students, and contractions with my more advanced students. The possibilities of these little guys are just endless!!!

But I found myself with so many levels of students, trying to create a different recording sheet for each activity....when I realized I could create one simple recording sheet that would work with every activity my students are doing!!!

 You can snag it up free {here} to use with your egg activities!

My class is soooo into Science these days!! We are literally doing a hands-on Science experiment every day, I just don't have time to blog about them all......this summer look for my "Year of Science" pack that I've been working on all year!!! It's gonna be Super Awesome!!! 

While we are doing an egg experiment everyday this week, I'd like to share our "Easter Egg Sink or Float" freebie with you! 

You can download it {here}

My other freebie is my "Rhyming Bunnies" freebie. It is an exclusive on You can grab it from Educents {here}.

Freebie Fridays

I also just posted my "More/Less Flashcards." Many of my students are struggling with this concept and I'm sick of running around grabbing objects and items in the classroom to show them more and less, so I made these flashcards. They are available {here}.

Woohoo! Four more days!! Have you had your spring break yet?? 

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