There are also a couple of fabulous Autism linkys happening right now over at "Autism Classroom News" and "Crayon Box Learning." Both blogs are offering a wealth of freebies for Autism children!
Now, to announce the winner of my two TN shop items! I didn't realize that you had to pay to use Random Generator, so I generated my own system. I had 8 comments, so I put the numbers 1-8 in a lunch sack and I drew comment number 3...........which is
Samantha at "Ms. Smarty Pants!" Congrats Samantha!
And last, I'm linking up with Farley's fun first of the month "Currently."
My husband and his Pawn Stars. I think I've seen more re-runs than I have new episodes! We did visit their pawn shop in Vegas last year, and I must say it was pretty cool! I didn't get to meet the STARS though!
What a great day! Came home to dinner ready in the crockpot....pulled pork.....yum!
Had my Donor's Choose project (ipad) funded!
& sold 3 items today......two from TN & one from TpT. Exciting!
And then there's the fun 'ole IEP that every sped teacher dreads. But it's my last one for the year!
I seriously hate my blog design. I sooooooo want a custom design!
How fun!!!! My school is having a Writing Teacher's Fair Share Friday morning! Everyone will bring writing stuff to pass along & share with one another! Now I just have to find something "really" good to take!!! I probably stress about things like this more than I should!
And advice is "BE WHO YOU ARE." This is big advice not just for you, but for me! I tend to worry too much about how my posts sound and how I word things, and what others will think or how it sounds! I need to stop! I need to just be myself and if others like what they see or read, then they like it, if they don't, then oh well! I need to be ME!!
I'm outta here to go make my pulled pork sandwich! If anyone has any great writing tips I could share Friday, pass them along!!! Thanks!

Coming to your blog from Farley's linky. Congrats on the funding of your project! I absolutely love my iPad. I used Scholastic Bonus points to get mine. I don't miss my IEP marathons from my special ed. days. I now do inclusion as a regular ed. teacher. Still have IEPs but they are fewer in number.
ReplyDeleteLearning in Bliss
Thanks for sharing all the ASD links! I will be checking them out! Congrats on getting your Donor's Choose project funded and selling 3 products in one day. :0)
Learning With Mrs. Brinn
Congrats on getting your Donors Choose project funded!!
My Special Learners
I love Donors Choose! I received my Writing Without Tears from them. Also, I am in an iPad pilot program through CCSD and they gave me 5 for my class! I love them. If I could just get them to stop taking photos of the way you are absolutely positively going to want to set the "guided access" up on them before your students use them. This way they can not get out and start chatting or taking photos or buying apps's so awesome If you don't already know how just send me a message and I'll email you the directions.
Thanks for the shout out and helping get the word out. I like your blog design. :)
Autism Classroom News