Since I just finished up my new behavior clip chart for next year, I thought it'd be a great opportunity to talk about how I manage behavior in my classroom!
The latest trend for behavior management in the classroom is the behavior clip chart! I first saw it used as a stoplight method.....where students moved up and down a stoplight poster using green as good, yellow as warning, and red as sad. What I didn't like about this method though is that students could never move up any higher than good, so even students doing a superb job just sit on good all day! I also didn't like the fact that it may be too abstract for my special needs students. Would they understand that green represents good or that red stands for sad??? No they probably wouldn't. I needed something more concrete that they could understand.
After searching around for more ideas....I found clip charts galore on TpT, and although I loved finding charts where students could go beyond good and move up to outstanding or super, they were still not visual enough for my students and most of them have just too many steps! Simply put.....I needed simple and visual!!!
So this is what I came up with! And let me tell you, it has been so successful in my room for two years now.....I wouldn't consider using any other method! It uses four steps......super, good, warning, and sad.....which is very easy for my special needs students to understand. The faces clearly represent what step they are on!
Students begin each day on good and just like other clip charts, they can move up and down the chart throughout the day! I made this daily take home report to go along with the behavior system.
These are posted on the wall each day for each student. Since the take home sheet matches the clip chart, students can also easily understand their take home chart and can often be seen peeking at their charts. It means alot to them to have a good day!
At the end of each day, students that have ended on good or super, get a tiny treat such as a sticker or a few gummy worms. Then, on Friday, students that have ended on good or super every day that week get to choose a prize they have been eyeing from this treasure tree! I keep track of this on the charts you see hanging beside the tree.
Now as I said, I will never change my method because it just works too perfectly in my room.......however, I have decided to fancy it up a little for next year and to coordinate it with my new decor I'm working on! So this what I made lastnight to use for next year!
I just love how they turned out and they go with all of the other decor I'm making for next year! (The excess white you see will be trimmed off!) Here is the new take home chart to match! The take home chart is a freebie! If you'd like the coordinating clip charts you can get them {here}. But if you do prefer the original smiley face set I've used the last two years, it's free too! I wasn't so computer savvy two years ago, so it is five separate downloads, sorry. Here are the links to each. Take home sheet Super Good Warning Sad ![]() |
If you like the color theme and design I used in the clip charts, over the next few weeks I'll be making and gradually adding classroom decor to coordinate to my stores!
Just look for items that will be labeled {chevron brights}. So far I have class jobs and will be adding bunting and birthday charts to match, hopefully this evening!
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great weekend!!!

I love your visual clip chart, Traci! I use a color coded one but love how yours is so much more concrete. Great take home note, too.
This is super cute! Thanks for sharing. :)
Creating Lifelong Learners