Here's a little recap from Fire Safety Week! I was so happy my kids got to participate. We tend to always get left out of these events. :( Sad, I know! These events are always scheduled for the general Ed classes and they tend to forget about my little unique and special group of learners on the far side of the campus! BUT NOT AS LONG AS I HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT! So I watch that school calendar like a hawk and make sure my kiddos don't miss anything. We just showed up as usual and the fireman were more than happy to accommodate us!
As you can see, my students had a blast trying on the fire hats and jackets. They also got to go through the firehouse on wheels which was really cool! The vents actually omit smoke, the door gets warm, and they get to evacuate through the window. Great fun and a great learning experience that my kids need as much as everyone else!
For the last few years, one of my teacher colleagues has included my class in decorating christmas stockings for the soldiers. So sweet of her to include us. <3 Well she retired last year and still came to the school today to carry out the project....AND as always made sure my class was involved!
Here are some of them decorating their soldier stockings today!
My aide helping one of my students
and yes...I have one under the table! That's typical in my room. ha.
I posted my phonics sound posters on TpT this evening! Darn it, I hung them in my room yesterday and forgot to take a photo. I've been wanting to make these for a while because my students are on many different levels and are all working on different phonics skills. I was tired of trying to keep the appropriate flashcards organized and handy for each student. This chart will remedy me of that frustration. Now all of the sounds are displayed and right at my fingertips, so I can easily use my pointer and review the sounds I need to with each student.
I love how they look in my classroom and it worked really well during review today.
Here is a preview.
These are full page posters that can be displayed just like your alphabet chart! I have two large whiteboards on each side of my room, so I displayed them over my back whiteboard, where I my small group teacher table is. My alphabet chart is over my front large group whiteboard.
Click to download.
This is such an exciting and busy month. We have dental hygiene week which is presenting on Thursday, the police dog, "Mr. McGruff and parent conferences coming next week, Nevada school for us, on the 25th, but we went on Columbus Day, Phoenix State Fair that weekend, our school fall fest, and then.... HALLOWEEN!
What does your month of October look like?? Is your school planning a fall fest or halloween carnival?

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