I'm joining Mrs. D's Corner for "Reflect & Refresh." I'm always reflecting, but as soon as school is out I begin reflecting back on the year as a whole and at what went well, what didn't, and what I'd like to do differently next year. Generally, the moment something isn't working in my class, I change it up immediately if I can. Some things can't be changed on a whim though. So that's why I am thankful for summer breaks. I also know that through trial and error and all of the awesome collaboration I get through the blogging community, I become a stronger teacher each year and my summer to do lists aren't as long as they used to be!
I feel this area has grown over the last few years and I feel is a strength for me. For the last 3-5 years, I have sent home a daily behavior report and a monthly newsletter. Last year I started a classroom website (that I carried on this year) and this year I also began using Scholastic's Messenger to communicate with parents. I also did a parent survey this year that was successful and I plan to do this again each year.
One of my goals for next year is to send home an academic progress report. While my students receive special Ed progress reports on their IEP goals quarterly, I want to provide parents with an overview of their child's daily grades and overall academic progress in the classroom.
I am extremely organized and have pretty good classroom management skills, but I have yet to master my data system. Now when it comes to behavior data, I refer to myself and my aides as the queens of behavior data....we've got this down! Everyone is always amazed with our behavior documentation. However, I continue to struggle with keeping data on IEP goals and other academic progress. EVERY year, I reflect on this, and EVERY year I try a new method and have yet to find the perfect solution! I plan to try again this summer to work on a solution. I'll get it right eventually! :)
My content is forever changing due to the dynamics changing in my class drastically from year to year. But two things on my mind for next year are writing and News-2-You. I really want to place more focus on writing structure next year. I'm also concerned about how I will use New2Y next year. This year I used New2Y with only two students and one of those students transitioned to the middle school. So I am wondering how that is going to work, trying to use it with only one student when these girls made up a rotation group during our centers and worked as partners.
Big Summer Project
As you can see, I have a few summer projects from every reflection above, but I have two BIG summer projects I'm really excited about! A dear friend (that I met through blogging) and I have been working on a Year Long Interactive Notebook Reading Curriculum for Special Education Students!! We are super excited! We have been working on the project for over a month and hope to kick it off for BTS!!! I won't mention her name yet, as this is the first time I've mentioned our project and I want to get her permission first!!! It's going to be awesome!
I also have plans for the "Ultimate Behavior Kit!" The kit will have everything you need to manage disruptive behaviors in your classroom and will include forms for charting and documenting, behavior plan samples, daily reports, clip charts, token boards, and more! Super excited to put this together as there is such a need and especially for general Ed teachers.
I'm glad you stopped by! Thanks a bunch...

Your post has me thinking of sending progress reports home too! I teach K, so my district doesn't send official ones home like they do for 1st and up. Good luck with all your projects and thanks for linking up!
Terrific Teaching and Learning
I have so much respect for all of the extra things that sped teachers achieve in their classrooms. Y'all have to do three times as much work. Kudos to you for all of your hard work and dedication to your kids! Your upcoming interactive notebook for special education makes me wish I taught in our special education classroom. Will it be reading or math or both? I may want to recommend it to our sped teachers! Do you teach an inclusion class or self-contained? I'm glad I stopped by. :)