Have you seen my new "Cool, Not Cool?" set?
I am so excited about these and my students wanted to review them again on Thursday, after reviewing them on Wednesday!!! :)
As special education teachers, we frequently deal with behavioral issues in our classrooms like flopping, kicking, spitting, pushing, blurting out, profanity, biting, etc.?
Thanks to "A Sketchy Guy," I was able to make the perfect posters/cards for these challenging students!
There are 3 sets!! A classroom rules set, a discussion cards set, and a task card set. And each set includes 28 inappropriate/appropriate behaviors!
I use the "Cool, not cool" method in my classroom. For example, "Show me cool hands," or "That's not cool, this is cool."
This set can be displayed as class rule posters. All 28 posters show the inappropriate (not cool) behavior and the appropriate (cool) behavior.
This is a glimpse of the class discussion set and also includes the 28 different behaviors.
I used these as a whole group discussion activity with my students. Hold each poster up and ask the students, "Cool, or not cool?" Discuss reasons why the behavior is cool, or not cool.
Task Cards!
All 28 behaviors are also included in this set and students can do these independently in centers or in work task boxes.
I had my students circle the correct answer with a dry-erase marker, but you can also have them clip the correct answer using clothespins.
Check out the preview to see each set!!!
I hope you can use these in your classroom too! You can check it out {here}.
Thanks a Bunch,

Traci these are awesome! What a fantastic idea! I love that you have included explicit whole group discussion cards which are followed up with task cards so students can apply their learning! The clipart is fantastic too! I have one particular student who could really benefit from these cards right now (he has no idea about his body, self control or social cues). Of course ALL of my students could benefit from them!