Prize: Post-It Note Treasure Chest
Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, Mrs Roltgen, The Literacy Garden, Tried and True Teaching Tools, The Chocolate Teacher, Mrs Humphries Class, MM Bilingual, Samson's Shoppe,
It's super easy! Just enter the rafflecopter below! And even better, it's open worldwide!!
Also Teachers Pay Teachers is having it's store-wide BTS sale today and tomorrow! It's a great time to clear out those wishlists and shop for back to school while you can save up to 28% off! My entire store is on sale! Be sure to enter the promo code, BESTYEAR for the additional savings!
I'm so excited to see who will win all of these post-it notes! Enjoy the sale!

This. Is. The. Best. I use post-it notes like crazy in my classroom, especially at the beginning of the year for scheduling. I use a different color for each subject and make sure each student has one post-it of each color with their name on it. I make sure to fit all the post-its in my schedule so I know every student is accounted for. Scheduling is one of the hardest parts of teaching multigrade level special education! I am excited about this giveaway too Traci! Thank you so much!