I cannot tell a lie.........I played hookie from school today. We'll not really! I came down with the flu Monday night and had to take a sick day yesterday. Then, yesterday after school my sub called me and asked if I needed another day and would need him today. How could I resist that?? I was still feeling pretty crappy when he called and was unsure if I'd be able to make it today. I'm glad I took him up on the offer cause I am still feeling yucky today! But apparently I haven't been feeling so bad, because I've been playing around with my blog all day and finding some really good stuff!!
My first great find was Charity Preston's new digital magazine, "The Organized Classroom." There's a new issue every month. Every issue contains tips and tricks for organizing your classroom, organizing challenges, and stories and suggestions from fellow teachers. This month's edition includes themed book lists for the month, top pinterest boards, recipe of the month, and shopping with the click of your mouse! Her magazine debuted this month and guess what?????
This month's edition is FREE!!! Check it out!
Then, from there I stumbled over to................
..............where I discovered this awesome multiplication stick trick! Even if you don't teach multiplication, you have got to check this guy out......he's too funny!
My school has been placing a large focus on "NUMBER TALKS" this year in the classroom and during our professional developments, so I can't wait to share it with my administrator and the rest of the staff!
Then, I read on Charity's blog, how important it is to have a link to your email on your blog...........
so whata ya know...............
next I found myself searching for how to do this! And wah-la......
now I have an email link on my blog!
Then, I added the "Back to Top" arrow you see in the lower right corner,
THEN, I added a "Special Ed Blogs" page link and since I was on a roll at this point.............I added
the "inlinkz" gadget for sped teachers to easily link their blogs to the page.
So attention special educators!!! Be sure to link up your blog there before you take off!
If anyone's interested in adding any of these gadgets to your blog, send me a comment and I'll feature it on my upcoming "Bloomin Blogger Sundays."
I also added a page for my weekly "Bloomin Blogger Sundays" tutorials, so you can easily find them in one place!!!
And that's not it! I've been seeing the "Blogs by State" button on everyone's blog and have been dying to add this.......so
I did that too!!! You can get yours by visiting "Fifth in the Middle."
It's really neat to see where everyone is from. Seems most bloggers are from back east and there are very few in Nevada! But I'm happy to meet up with three others "SO FAR" in Nevada.
I also found this wonderful blog today............

And she's hosting her first ever linky party!!! And it's ongoing with new topics every week!! This week the theme is sharing 3 things you like or would like to that begin with your 3 initials!! The only rule is that you visit the 2 blogs before yours!!
My initials are TMB! So mine are pretty obvious and easy!!! Although the "M" took a little more thinking!
T is for T-e-a-c-h-i-n-g!!! I like teaching! Then, there's always TpT and Teacher's Notebook! T is just an easy one for me!
M is for mashed potatoes!!!! I can eat mashed potatoes and gravy any 'ole time! Just give me a big bowl....who cares about the entree?
B is for B-l-o-g-g-i-n-g!! I like blogging! B is even easier!
If I've managed to keep you on my blog this long, then you'll be happy you did!!! Because I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY and there's still 4 days left to enter!
Hop over {here} to enter!!
And if you haven't snagged up your $15 gift certificate from Educents, do it soon because on March 15th, they are reducing it to only $10!!!
Happy hump day!!!

Thanks for adding the SPED blogs tab! I'm a fellow SPED teacher and it's a bit more tricky to find SPED blogs than specific grade levels. I can't wait to check back and find a few new ones :)
The Lower Elementary Cottage
Thanks for being my first to link up Lisa! It's exciting to run across other sped bloggers out there!