Our balloon countdown is down to 8 days! And the students are loving the surprises inside each balloon!
I finished up my end of the year gifts today!
For my students.....
For my two awesome aides....
Aren't these awesome? I just love these gallon size mason jars!
Inside each one is a beach towel, sunscreen stick, Burt's chapstick, Snapple singles, and gum. I also purchased a summer living magazine for each but they were too tall to close the lids. I may strap it on the back with ribbon.
You can get the student and teacher sun labels {here}.
And for my lovely busdriver!
She transports my special kiddos to and from school each day and is so caring for all the kids! She goes out of her way to give paperwork to parents for me so I know it makes it home. When I saw this on Pinterest, I knew I had to do it for her. I'm going to let my kids present it to her on the last day when they get on the bus! The stop sign printable is available {here} for free.
On the last day, we always make english muffin pizzas! Super simple and cheap! Students are dismissed early at 12:25 and NO lunch is served on this day, so it's a perfect fit! With my kids generally eating lunch at 11:45...going until 1ish before eating makes for some hungry kids!
While our pizzas are cooking, we do our own class awards. This year I am giving out Molly Lynch's Medallion Necklaces for my class awards!
My student's are going to be way more excited about these than a certificate! Just tie a piece of yarn on each to make a necklace and you're good to go!! I also wrote the date on the back of each for students to keep as a keepsake.
Our school also has a yearbook signing event on the morning of the last day and rarely do many of my students purchase a yearbook. So they can still participate, I usually make up some type of autograph book for them each year! This year I decided to change it up a little and let them leave with something a little more special, so I purchased autograph hats for this year from Really Good Stuff!
When I posted this idea on my Facebook page, many said they were too expensive and they could get them cheaper at JoAnn's or Michael's. However, after looking at JoAnn's, they were $3.00 each and they only had 3 in stock! This did not include the fabric markers either! While I paid $30 for 12 of these from RGS, including the markers, it ended up being much cheaper than anywhere else I looked!
Well now that all the FUN stuff is out of the way, I guess I need to focus on the important, dreadful EOY stuff like my report card comments and sped progress reports!
