Welcome to my back to school blog series where I'm sharing my hottest and newest back to school resources in six different categories!
Day 5 - Math Resources
These math strategy posters are one of my top sellers and both also include a "one-pager" to keep at student's desk or to send home.
Here's a look at the one-pager included and the addition and subtraction set also now includes a neutral colored set too! Choose from rainbow or neutral. Find the addition/subtraction posters here and the multiplication/division posters here.
Display these on your wall to help your students learn to count by tens.
Color Posters! Display these to help your students learn colors. They make a beautiful wall display and compliment any rainbow themed classroom.
Speaking of colors...if your students are learning colors, they'll love this fun color smash game.
Counting has never been more fun than with these next counting activities! Your students will love feeding the pencil and crayon while counting. Find this activity here.
These TASK MATS not only cover counting, but also following directions, listening skills, and life skills all-n-one!!
Flippits for math computation and number sense! Have math skills right at your fingertips with these 11 handy task card rings that students can work on independently.
Morning work or daily review designed specifically for special education with continuous review built in. These sheets target not only math, but also calendar, sight words, and phonics all on one sheet...and cover the ENTIRE year!
Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 6 - SEL and social skills!