One of my blogging resolutions for the new year was to provide you guys with more interesting content. So what is interesting to my readers? To find out, I'm linking up with my friend Julie over at Highhill Education to take a look at what my best posts were from 2013. Which posts received the most views? Here are my top three:
Behavior Management
Freebie Friday With Three
Monday Made Its, Blogoversary, & Manic Monday
If you've been reading my posts over winter break, then you know I've been contemplating doing more posts on behavior management....and this was before seeing that it was one of my most popular posts in 2013! So it looks like you will definitely be seeing more!
It looks like you guys also like freebies and giveaways.....who doesn't, right?
So......why not ring in the year with a little of both!
Get your penguin freebie {here}. This freebie also includes a color by number sheet and a labeling the parts of a penguin activity.
Over the break I ordered these for my classroom and I'd like to give a set away!! Ear muff Sound Defenders for those students who get over stimulated by too much noise. Before my students would use regular headphones to block out bothersome noises, but they didn't really block out very much of the noise at all. Then, my son & little woodworker, got a pair of these for Christmas and I thought......."This is just what I need for my classroom." You can't hear anything with these things on!!!! They're actually intended for woodworkers or others working in loud industries and man.....they really work!!! If you'd like to win a set for your classroom, you can enter below! Sorry, but please U.S. residents only!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What were your most popular posts in 2013? If you're not a blogger, what were your favorite posts? Link up your most entertaining and educational posts with Julie over at Highhill Education!

I remember the post with the painted chair. I would like one of my own. My daughter is very noise sensitive and I often find her wearing headphones. She uses them when she practices piano and when doing language learning on the computer. I think industrial ear plugs are a great idea. - Thanks for linking with Highhill Education.