Do you have a SmartBoard or other interactive whiteboard in your classroom?? Then you need to know about Smart Boarding School is a website that I use in my classroom nearly every single day! It's a website that has over a thousand primary educational resources for use on interactive whiteboards. And it's free!
Resources are divided into 4 subject areas and by age level, so you can easily choose appropriate activities for your students.
Once you choose a subject from here, you'll be taken to a page to choose what skill in that subject you want your student(s) to practice.
This particular skill page for numbers has over 40 activities alone! As you can see you can also choose to have your students practice addition, subtraction, money, place value, patterns, and so much more!
Here's a peek at the Literacy and the Science categories for 6-8 year olds.
I LOVE using the SmartBoard in my classroom and this is the best online SB resource I have found! If you're not using your SB, get over to Smart Boarding School and start! Your students will love you for it! :)
Happy Smartboarding,

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