Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back To School Goals Linky

WoW! I can't believe we're already talking back to school!! I still have three weeks left of summer, but it's gonna go fast! Time to start reflecting on last year, what you want to do differently this year, and goal setting! Which I've actually been doing all summer but why not link up with "I heart recess" and "Flying into First" for some goal setting motivation!

Personal - Just that! I seriously put on almost ten pounds my first month and a half off! I splurged maybe a little tooooo much on my eating. But hey I had fun! I finally took it serious and started my diet and Wii fit about two weeks ago and I've already lost 3 pounds. 

Organization - I'm actually a pretty organized person, but when it comes to IEP's I will put them off 'til the last minute because I hate doing them so badly! I'll be up at midnight the night before the IEP meeting trying to get it done and I hate that. They're so time consuming, I figure if I can start them two weeks prior, I can do a tab bit here and there and have it done a couple days before. 

Planning - I can only think of 1, maybe 2 occasions in 5 years of teaching that I actually did my lesson plans at school. It's always been a weekend task. Which was really no big deal since my hubby worked all weekend. BUT he just got his days off switched to Sat. and Sun. Woohoo! So excited that we're gonna have days off together now! So I'm definitely going to want to get my plans done at school! 

Professional - Need 9 more credits to get to the next pay scale, which I don't really agree with! I have two Master's and I'm still at a M.A. + 16 because in my last Master's program, 9 credits were accepted and transferred from my first one, so the district wouldn't accept those 9! Really?? Just another way to get ya!!!

Students - I feel like I'm always too serious! I need to loosen up and have some fun with my kiddos! Don't get me wrong, we have fun, but I need to lighten up and joke around with them and let my silliness come out sometimes!

Motto - Hold your head high! Stand up for what you believe in, use your knowledge and don't let others make you feel less than them! To elaborate on this, I work at a small rural school (300 students). We have no turn over, it took me 2 years to get in, and that was luck of the draw and being a qualified sped teacher. Most of our teachers are 20+ year teachers (same school) and are not open for new ideas and especially aren't open to advice from a teacher like me of only 5 years experience! I specialize in behavior management and have a Master's in Behavioral Disorders. There have been a few occasions that my principal has referred my assistance to other teachers to assist them with specific children. Not once, have these teachers sought my assistance! It's a shame for the kids. I'll stop my rant here, but this is what I love so much about blogging and probably one of the biggest reasons I started blogging is to be able to collaborate with other teachers and not be judged, and to be able to collaborate with other teachers that have my same experience or even less! The bottom line is this: New teachers, hold your head high, believe in your knowledge and don't be afraid to share what you're good at.....veteran teachers, although we value your knowledge and experience and seek out your advice occasionally and sometimes frequently, value what newer teachers have to share too! Most of them are very passionate, energetic, creative, and have a lot of great ideas to share!

And back to a cheery new bag from "Very Jane" finally arrived today. Love it!!!

4 colors included


Good luck! 

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  1. I love your motto as advice for new teachers. My daughter is starting her first year and more than anything, I want her to believe in herself and know that she has so much to bring to the team.


    Life in Room 24

  2. Wii fit! That's awesome!!! My sister just had a baby and is using that to lose her baby weight. I'm excited to see if it works.

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

  3. I hear you about writing your IEPs in advance! I'd love to do that instead of at the last minute.


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